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Techolution's AI CoE


As an enterprise leader, you are under pressure to deploy AI in your organization. Your advisers are beating the drums for you to jump on-board to compensate for irreversible macro-economic shifts outside of your control, such as labor shortage and high inflation. However, you feel hesitant to take risky long term bets. What if it turns out to be another technology fad, like crypto? At the same time, you can’t afford to miss the boat should AI become as remarkable of a game-changer as the internet was earlier in your career. The trillion dollar question is: What should you do with AI?

With 91% of enterprises already implementing AI and planning exponential investment growth in months to come, your options are very clear. Option 1: Wait and watch what your industry does and risk being disrupted by the competitor moving fast with “AI done right”. Option 2: Make your calculated move now — Establish a holistic AI Center of Excellence (CoE) to unlock the promise of AI promptly.

AI CoEs come in different forms but they are not all equal. Case in point, less than 1% of AI projects have generated ROI so far. Most “thought leaders” in this space are oddly firms with a background in audit, strategy and IT consulting. Therefore, they gravitate towards what they know best: security & risk management. While these are legitimate concerns, the problem AI faces today is much bigger.

As the leader of a company that has been delivering ROI generating innovation at a fixed price for enterprises since 2015, I’ve had a front row seat to some of the most advanced AI deployments in business. It is from that point of view that I am telling you: Most AI projects are stuck in the lab! Since I discovered the secret ingredient for real world AI, we have been delivering AI wins for over a dozen clients. Based on this success, we crafted an AI CoE exclusively for enterprises like yours with the only goal of creating business value in months and days instead of years and decades.

We approach the CoE holistically by balancing the 3 key pillars required for AI success: 1. What to build with AI — Identify and prioritize the right use cases to deliver ROI. 2. How to do AI right with a holistic team, tools and processes — beyond the data science and ML capabilities you already have. 3. Manage the risk of AI — best practices for AI safety, data protection and social responsibility.

Techolution has not only served as thought leaders, but we consistently deliver real world AI success for clients across industries. Don’t just take my word for it, experience our AI roadshow at your office. It is an immersive AI experience for leaders designed to spark the imagination. Don’t worry, we won’t just leave you with ideas. We will tap into your team’s expertise to deliver a roadmap of practical use cases prioritized to deliver business value by the power of AI done right.


Luv Tulsidas Signature

Founder & CEO

How Do We Stand Against The Competition?

StarterEnterpriseAI Supercharge

Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Roadmap for Real World AI Success *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Signature AI Co-Create Concept Videos of Top 3 Use Cases

Use Case Selection Governance & Oversight


Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support


Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

AI Supercharge

Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Roadmap for Real World AI Success *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Signature AI Co-Create Concept Videos of Top 3 Use Cases

Use Case Selection Governance & Oversight

AI CoE Package 1 - 3

WHAT to build with AI

StarterEnterpriseAI Supercharge

Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Roadmap for Real World AI Success *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Signature AI Co-Create Concept Videos of Top 3 Use Cases

Use Case Selection Governance & Oversight


Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support


Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

AI Supercharge

Use case discovery worksheet - 2 hours support

Finding use cases done right workshop - 2 hours support

AI Use Case Selection done right Training & Guidance

Real World AI Design Thinking Workshop

AI Immersion for Executives - RoadShow *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Roadmap for Real World AI Success *Travel upto 100 mile radius included

Signature AI Co-Create Concept Videos of Top 3 Use Cases

Use Case Selection Governance & Oversight

AI CoE Package 2 - 3

HOW to do AI Right

StarterEnterpriseAI Supercharge

Core AI CoE Team Selection Advisory

2 Hrs20 Hrs80 Hrs

5 Secrets of Lab Grade AI to Real World AI Workshop

Holistic AI Team Set up & Oversight

AI Tooling Inventory & Recommendations

Real World AI Training & Governance Advisory

RLEF.AI Subscription

30 Days365 Days

AI Tech Stack Blueprint

Top 3 AI Use Case Requirement document & Backlog grooming

Custom AI Hackathon

AI CoE as a Service


- 2 Hrs

Core AI CoE Team Selection Advisory

5 Secrets of Lab Grade AI to Real World AI Workshop


- 20 Hrs

Core AI CoE Team Selection Advisory

5 Secrets of Lab Grade AI to Real World AI Workshop

Holistic AI Team Set up & Oversight

AI Tooling Inventory & Recommendations

Real World AI Training & Governance Advisory

- 30 Days

RLEF.AI Subscription

AI Supercharge

- 80 Hrs

Core AI CoE Team Selection Advisory

5 Secrets of Lab Grade AI to Real World AI Workshop

Holistic AI Team Set up & Oversight

AI Tooling Inventory & Recommendations

Real World AI Training & Governance Advisory

- 365 Days

RLEF.AI Subscription

AI Tech Stack Blueprint

Top 3 AI Use Case Requirement document & Backlog grooming

Custom AI Hackathon

AI CoE as a Service

AI CoE Package 3 - 3

MANAGE risk of AI

StarterEnterpriseAI Supercharge

AI Safety & Security Best Practices

AI Risk Governance Board Setup

AI Social Responsibility Use Case Assessment

Data Strategy & Policy for IP Protection

Real World AI Training & Governance Advisory

AI Risk Monitoring & Advisory *Advisory upto 80 hours included

90 Days


AI Safety & Security Best Practices


AI Safety & Security Best Practices

AI Risk Governance Board Setup

AI Supercharge

AI Safety & Security Best Practices

AI Risk Governance Board Setup

AI Social Responsibility Use Case Assessment

Data Strategy & Policy for IP Protection

Real World AI Training & Governance Advisory

- 90 Days

AI Risk Monitoring & Advisory *Advisory upto 80 hours included

What can we solve for you with AI today?