GGC Framework for AI

Don’t Let Your AI Go ROGUE

Generative AI is revolutionizing businesses with its conversational abilities and automation potential. However, it creates content on the fly posing governance challenges. Organizations must decide whether to embrace this technology or risk their reputation due to its unpredictability. That’s why there’s a critical need for effective governance strategies in businesses.

The GGC framework helps tackle this issue

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The GGC framework helps tackle this issue

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What is GGC?

The Govern Guide Control framework empowers enterprises to effectively manage their generative AI systems. GGC allows organizations to leverage the power of generative AI while maintaining the necessary oversight to protect their reputation and ensure responsible AI use.

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Advantages of the GGC Framework

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Accelerated Profitability

Unlock next-level profits at lightning speed with AI automation. Reduces need for external dependencies for rapid growth without losing control of AI.

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Develop AI systems that understand their constraints and defer to human judgement when necessary. Guarantees reliable results for real-world applications.

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Human-AI Partnership

Optimize operations by fostering collaboration where humans mentor AI. Leads to effective and responsible AI use. Experts can trace and evaluate how the AI came up with its response.

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Rapid Learning

Implement RLEF.AI and confidence metrics to build AI systems that constantly evolve, meeting changing business identity and standards.

Learn how our GGC framework can tackle your rogue AI

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Domain experts can set policies & standards for AI activity in real-time with full transparency, providing complete visibility into the AI’s response generation process.

This self-service, no-code framework enables businesses to evaluate & mentor their AI, ensuring it operates within defined boundaries and aligns with enterprise standards thereby building high integrity and trust in AI responses.

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Continuous improvement of AI performance is achieved using our secret sauce for an effective Human & AI partnership to ensure alignment with your brand’s identity.

Your domain experts can provide positive and corrective feedback on AI responses which enhances AI accuracy and reliability.

Our unique AI accelerator includes an integrity framework that leverages human expert feedback in near real-time to avoid hallucinations & deliver AI automation at lightning speed.

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With features like our “Real-Time AI Coach”, you can maintain full control over your AI’s responses and correct its output in real-time.

This builds a symbiotic Human-AI partnership, ensuring responsible AI use and continuous learning.

The system adapts to evolving business needs while keeping you in charge of your AI, allowing for effective management and oversight.

Who Should Care?

Organizations eager to capitalize on LLMs and GenAI’s intelligence and promise for next-level automation. However, the risk associated with the lack of control over its output has been a deterrent to adopt Generative AI in these regulated industries: