Guiding Your AI to Success Through Human-AI Partnership

Varnika Singh
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October 14, 2024

Did you know that AI has the potential to add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030? Yet studies show that improper implementation can lead to major financial losses.

So why, despite AI’s massive potential, are some businesses facing financial disasters instead of reaping the benefits? The answer lies in one critical factor: lack of effective guidance and control over Generative AI. When left unchecked, generative AI can make decisions that seem accurate on the surface but can actually lead to serious miscalculations. Whether it’s an algorithm misjudging market trends or a healthcare AI delivering incorrect diagnoses, these mistakes often happen because your AI isn’t receiving the human expertise it needs to improve and refine its decision-making processes.

That’s where our Govern, Guide, and Control (GGC) framework comes in, providing real-time expert intervention to ensure your AI corrects its mistakes and learns from it, improving accuracy and minimizing risks.

How Much Can You Trust Your AI?

AI, while powerful, can make damaging mistakes without proper supervision. In 2012, Knight Capital lost $440 million in just 45 minutes due to a glitch in its AI-powered trading algorithm. Their AI executed faulty trades at high speed, and there was no mechanism for human intervention until it was too late. Similarly, in 2020, an AI model used for A-level grading in the UK unfairly downgraded thousands of students, sparking public outrage and widespread grade reversals.

These failures highlight a critical truth – without comprehensive guidance and human oversight, generative AI tools can spiral out of control, causing financial losses and reputational damage. The key to preventing such disasters is ensuring that AI decisions are monitored and corrected in real-time precisely what guiding and controlling your AI means.

Domain Expert Guiding AI

Domain Expert Guiding AI

What Does 'Guiding' Your AI Mean?

Guiding your AI is allowing human experts to step in when your AI is unsure about its decisions, ensuring it learns and aligns with your business goals. This intervention is crucial for refining your AI's accuracy and making it more reliable.

The ‘Guide’ element in our GGC Framework is powered by our Reinforced Learning with Expert Feedback (RLEF) process. When your AI's confidence drops below the integrity threshold you’ve set, the RLEF process is triggered, alerting your domain experts to review and either approve or correct your AI's response.This ensures your AI learns from its mistakes and avoids repeating the same error, no matter how a request is phrased.

But what happens if your AI generates an incorrect response? How can you ensure the user receives the correct information and doesn’t spread or act on potentially harmful data that could damage your brand?This is where our Control element of GGC ensures that you can quickly correct inaccurate information before it causes any damage. If an expert is available, they can correct the response in real-time via live chat. If not, they can review and correct the AI’s response via email later on.Since the user is notified when the AI is uncertain, they can either wait for a corrected response in the chat or receive it via email if they’ve closed the chat.

For instance, Amazon’s product recommendation, AI sometimes suggests items that aren’t relevant to the customer’s preferences or shopping habits. By guiding and controlling your AI with expert feedback, it can learn to make more accurate recommendations, leading to a personalized shopping experience that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. This ensures your AI continuously learns and adapts to your evolving business needs.

Human-AI Partnership is the new future

Human-AI Partnership is the new future

Embracing Human-AI Synergy

In the end, it's about creating an environment where humans and AI work together seamlessly, complementing each other’s strengths. This synergy isn’t just about leveraging technology – it’s about building a partnership wherein your AI learns from domain experts, while humans benefit from AI's efficiency and insights. By fostering this symbiotic relationship, organizations can create an environment where AI is more than just a tool; it evolves into a trusted partner – constantly growing smarter and aligning with your team’s goals.

Take healthcare, for example. At Stanford University, radiologists teamed up with AI to identify pneumonia in chest X-rays. While AI quickly processed the data, it was the radiologists’ expertise that refined and verified the results, leading to more accurate diagnoses. Similarly, at JPMorgan Chase, lawyers and AI collaborate on analyzing legal documents. The AI handles the repetitive tasks, but it's the human touch that ensures accuracy, allowing for faster and more reliable contract reviews.

By embracing this human-AI partnership, businesses can optimize their operations, ensuring that AI learns and improves under expert guidance and control. This leads to more effective and reliable AI—an integrated, trusted member of the team.

The Future of a Guided AI

Fully leveraging AI’s potential requires more than just implementing the latest technology. It requires guiding and nurturing AI to align with your business goals. Even the most advanced AI can falter without human intervention, leading to costly mistakes and missed opportunities. By adopting our GGC framework, which emphasizes human guidance and control, businesses can leverage AI responsibly.

Combining human judgment with AI’s capabilities minimizes risks and enables AI to evolve and adapt continuously. This human-AI synergy unlocks the true potential of AI, turning it into a trusted ally that propels your organization forward. With the right guidance, your AI doesn’t just work for you - it works with you, driving greater accuracy, innovation, and success.