Kanishka Prakash
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7 min read
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September 19, 2024

In 2024, one of the biggest elephants in the room for industries like finance, government, insurance and more, is the staggering number of systems running on COBOL – a language built in 1959. Wall Street, for instance, relies on COBOL to handle trillions of dollars worth of transactions annually. While it is tempting to marvel at COBOL’s longevity, the harsh reality is that these legacy systems are turning unsteady under the weight of modern demands. COBOL has become a bottleneck for innovation, security, and scalability.

But here’s the real deal : it’s not just about outdated code, it’s about the scarcity of experts, dubbed “COBOL Cowboys,” who know how to maintain these systems. As these engineers approach retirement, one question becomes pressing – how do we modernize decades-old infrastructure while ensuring business continuity?

The Next Frontier of Modernization

The modernization of COBOL systems isn’t new on the agenda, but recent advancements in generative AI have brought a promising solution to the table. We believe that AI can be the key to breaking through the modernization barrier by helping engineers retool COBOL systems into more modern and easy-to-parse languages. Generative AI can essentially read cryptic, poorly documented code and translate it into structured, usable formats.

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We at Techolution built AppMod.AI to tackle this. AppMod.AI isn’t just another AI tool – it’s a transformative platform that takes modernization to the next level by converting, refactoring, and upgrading entire projects in a fraction of the time (3x faster) traditional methods would require. Imagine taking a legacy COBOL-based banking system and, within days, modernizing it into a scalable, cloud-native architecture.

But modernization isn’t just about translating old code. It’s about ensuring that the new system meets the demands of today’s digital economy. Unlike traditional modernization tools, AppMod.AI transforms entire infrastructures, enabling enterprises to scale rapidly and securely. By integrating seamlessly with existing platforms like GitHub, AppMod.AI ensures ongoing innovation without disruption. It has already proven its ability to achieve 80% autonomy in modernizing ancient tech stacks for major brands.

COBOL’s Problem Isn’t Just Technical – It’s Strategic

Here’s where most organizations get it wrong: they think modernization is purely a technical challenge. It’s not. It’s also a strategic one. Businesses need to align their long-term goals with technological advancements, and this involves more than swapping out one language for another. It’s about changing the way they think about legacy systems, not as ancient objects to be polished, but as opportunities to innovate.

What makes AppMod.AI unique in this regard is its holistic approach to modernization. It doesn’t just offer code conversion; it provides project analyzers that assess the entire tech stack and create a plan of action for full-scale modernization. Enabling tech systems to evolve alongside the company’s development standards can pave the way for long-term innovation.

How AI and AppMod.AI Can Fix the COBOL Crisis

One of the most profound impacts of tools like AppMod.AI is the autonomy they bring to the modernization process. Where manual modernization efforts would take months or years, AppMod.AI achieves results in days, working collaboratively with human engineers to deliver better, faster, and more accurate code. This significantly reduces the need for COBOL experts to step in and patch things when they break, allowing businesses to move away from crisis management toward future-focused innovation.

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Imagine a veteran COBOL expert who’s been on standby for decades to fix emergencies. With AppMod.AI’s ability to convert and refactor code with high autonomy, those emergency calls could soon become a thing of the past.

The Future of COBOL Modernization Lies in AI-Driven Real Time Solutions

In the grand scheme of things, COBOL’s story is more than just a cautionary tale about outdated systems – it’s a case study in how businesses must evolve in the digital age. AppMod.AI represents more than just a technical fix; it’s a strategic tool that allows businesses to align their technology with the needs of today and tomorrow.

The future of COBOL modernization lies in the integration of AI-driven solutions that not only retool legacy systems but also help businesses rethink how they approach their tech stack. With platforms like AppMod.AI, we’re moving closer to a world where legacy doesn’t mean obsolete. Instead, it becomes the foundation for innovation.

We are committed to driving that future by not just modernizing code, but also modernizing businesses.

Turn legacy challenges into opportunities and get future-ready with Techolution.Book a free demo